OpenI 珊瑚

贡献者 华为 Apache License 2.0

OpenI 珊瑚项目是 OpenI 启智社区中,为 OpenI 章鱼人工智能平台提供面向异构计算设备的通用管理框架开源项目。


OpenI 珊瑚项目是 OpenI 启智社区中,为 OpenI 章鱼人工智能平台提供面向异构计算设备的通用管理框架开源项目。OpenI珊瑚项目是基于OpenStack社区Cyborg项目的Stein版本为底座,针对 OpenI 章鱼项目已由实现,专门面向Hadoop/Yarn/Spark生态的异构计算集成的项目。


OpenI-coral is a general management framework for accelerators to support OpenI
Octopus project. Given Octopus utilizing Hadoop Yarn for FPGA and GPU support of
machine learning jobs, OpenI-coral which is a fork of OpenStack Cyborg project's
stein release , will focus on integration of Yarn resource and node manager.


For the vanilla OpenI-coral setup (i.e. OpenStack Cyborg S release), please
refer to /doc/source/contributor/devstack_setup.rst for developer environment
setup, or /doc/source/install for production deployment.


Design documents locates at /doc/source/specs/, other documentations could also
be found at /doc/source/ folder.


The original license could be found at License.apache, all the new OpenI-coral
contributions will follow new license documented at License.openi.